• Every Avalon certificate issued, has been accepted by every priest in the USA, since 2012. Book our course with confidence.

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Wedding Fun - Buffet Table Activities

Most wedding receptions include a buffet-style meal where everyone stands in an enormous line waiting while those at the food table decide if they want Italian or Ranch dressing on their salad.

There has to be a more unusual way to get people to their food, and a faster one at that, right? There are several fun options you can employ to feed your guests quickly and with a minimum of groans of hunger.

Here are some fun options.

Active Wedding Reception Games

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Active Wedding Reception Games

We've all been to receptions that are standard - we welcome and celebrate the new married couple, watch them dance, and enjoy cake with them. But creative couples often enjoy coming up with fun games that include the entire guest list.

Including the guests is an excellent way to get people out of their chairs, meeting people they might not otherwise know and feeling like they are truly a part of the celebration, not just observers.

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Setting goals for relationship. Podcast - Pre Cana Online

Relationship Expert - David Kavanagh gives his advice on how to Set achievable relationship goals with your partner & reviewing them constantly can help enrich each other's lives and support the bond between you.
In order for a relationship to be satisfying those involved in it must set clear goals for it.

Radio Podcast - newstalk.com

★ Official Channel ★ Please Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2SrKMDa

Read also: 11 Tips to Reignite the Spark - Relationship Advice.


PreCana - Bridal Shower Games

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PreCana - Bridal Shower Games

If you're hosting a bridal shower, there are literally hundreds of games to choose from. Some are silly, some are serious, but all are about having some fun with the bride before she's married. Here's a sampling.

One fun game really puts the bride on the spot with regard to her knowledge of her husband-to-be's life. Prior to the party, have someone ask the groom a series of questions, such as where he was born, what his favorite food is, things like that. Then at the bridal shower, put the bride on the spot by asking her the answers to the questions. See how many she can get right (hopefully at least half!). If she does well, give the girl a prize; she deserves one.

Halloween Traditions Around The World

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Was Halloween originally a pagan or a Christian holiday?

Like the celebration of Christmas day, originally Halloween was a pagan festival rather than a Christian holiday. It was only around 10th century that the Roman Catholic Church established this holy day. This was initiated for purifying the spirits of the dead.

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I choose to know nothing about my partner's past

Just how much truth can we handle when it comes to our partner's sexual history? 

Of course, what you choose to share is your business.

Are you jealous of your partner's past?  See a therapist if you're not sure how to handle your partner's past.

★Official YT Channel★ Please Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2SrKMDa

What is Pre Cana in the Catholic Church?

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What is Pre Cana in the Catholic Church?

Pre-cana is basically a marriage preparation course offered to couples planning for marriage in the catholic church. If you have found a compatible partner and you are now planning to get married to the love of your life you will be required to take a marriage course to expose you to some of the critical discussions into the marriage life.

You need to be trained on how to live happily with your wife. In case you engage in some quarrels, you are trained on how you would handle such conversations and ensure that you are at peace with each other. The pre-can course is meant to train you on every aspect of the marriage life based on the catholic teachings.

Save money on wedding expenses with these 9 tips.

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There are some wedding expenses that sometimes people forget to include in the overall budget. The ones listed below include some of those forgotten expenses but also some that you should always consider and include right away. The cost can add up if youíre not paying attention to it.

1. Beauty

The bride, bridesmaids, groom, groomsmen and parents all need to prepare for the big day. That may include an appointment at a salon, or it might include having a pajama party the night before to help each other. If you do choose to go to a salon, be sure to book early and let them know itís for a wedding party. That way, even if your normal stylist is sick, they should find a replacement.

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Should I wait for my Perfect Partner? Radio Podcast

Relationship Expert - David Kavanagh gives advice to a guy who emailed the show, wondering if he should wait 5 months for a girl he likes to return to Ireland.

Imagine that your perfect partner turns up in a year's time. If you wait around for her/him with your life and happiness on hold, you're going to end up with regrets.

Bridal Bouquet Activities

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Bridal Bouquet Activities

When a bride orders her wedding bouquet, it might not seem that any "activities" will come from it other than as a thing for the bride to hold. But the bridal bouquet can be the source of many interesting activities and meaningful gestures.

During there ceremony, there are all kinds of possibilities. Certainly, you can go traditional and have a flower for both the mother of the bride and mother of the groom. The moms, in particular, love this activity and guests usually appreciate it as well. But what if you turned that traditional gesture on its head and supplied flowers for both the mothers and the fathers?

Man Wearing Black Suit Kissing Woman Wearing White Wedding Dress

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One place you can save money on your wedding is "wedding photography". Most people have very powerful cameras right on their phones today. In fact, you probably have a lot of people coming to your wedding who like to think of themselves as amateur photographers who would love to help. Let’s look at a few tips on how to save money on wedding photography.

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Is Housework an issue in your Relationship? Radio Podcast

Relationship Expert - David Kavanagh gives his advice on how couples navigate the issue of housework. How do you split household responsibility?

A new study found that women take on more "mental housework" than men. When men offer reminders, it's usually for a task that benefits them, unlike women whose reminders benefit their partners. Being overburdened this way can cause problems in one's relationships.

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